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[androidJvm]\ object LockReconUtils

Utility singleton for the GASmartAccessReaderSDK's lock mechanism. LockReconUtils handles:

  1. ECC key management: Load, generate, and store key pairs.
  2. Data validation & transformation: Process and validate data for the lock.
  3. Cryptographic operations: Random number generation, ECDSA signing, and verification.
  4. Permissions check: Ensure necessary permissions for Bluetooth
  5. Frame processing: Delegate handling of incoming frames based on type.


Name Summary
respError [androidJvm]
const val respError: Int = 96
respSuccess [androidJvm]
const val respSuccess: Int = 144


Name Summary
byteArrayToInt [androidJvm]
fun byteArrayToInt(bytes: ByteArray): Int
Convert byteArray to int
checkHardware [androidJvm]
fun checkHardware(context: Context): HardwareState
Checks and logs the status of necessary permissions including Bluetooth
checkSignedChallengeSar [androidJvm]
fun checkSignedChallengeSar(rnd1: ByteArray, rawSignSar: ByteArray, sarPublicKeyByteArray: ByteArray): Boolean
Verifies the signed challenge received from the SAR.
extractData [androidJvm]
fun extractData(frameData: ByteArray): ByteArray
Extract the data envelop form the frame byteArray received
generateTRNG [androidJvm]
fun generateTRNG(length: Int): ByteArray
This method generates true random numbers, compliant with NIST SP800-90.
getRequiredPermissions [androidJvm]
fun getRequiredPermissions(): Array<String>
handleLockReceivedFrame [androidJvm]
fun handleLockReceivedFrame(frameProcessor: FrameProcessor, data: ByteArray, identifier: String?): ByteArray
Processes and responds to frames received from the lock.
hasRequiredRuntimePermissions [androidJvm]
fun hasRequiredRuntimePermissions(context: Context): Boolean
intToByteArray [androidJvm]
fun intToByteArray(integer: Int): ByteArray
Convert int to byteArray
isDataLengthValid [androidJvm]
fun isDataLengthValid(reqDataLen: Int, frameData: ByteArray): Boolean
Check the data length provided in the frame 2 octets are removed, standing for frameKey and dataLen
loadGenerateAppKeys [androidJvm]
fun loadGenerateAppKeys(): KeyPair?
Generates an ECC NIST secp256r1 key pair and securely stores it in the Android KeyStore.
setLockResponseFrame [androidJvm]
fun setLockResponseFrame(frameKey: FrameKey, data: ByteArray?): ByteArray
Set the lock response frame.
signBadgeId [androidJvm]
fun signBadgeId(keyPair: KeyPair, badgeId: Int): ByteArray
Signs a given badge ID using the application's private key.
signChallenge [androidJvm]
fun signChallenge(keyPair: KeyPair, byteArray: ByteArray): ByteArray
Signs a given challenge using the application's private key.