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Package-level declarations


Name Summary
ACS [androidJvm]
object ACS
A singleton for managing calls to ACS.
ACSService [androidJvm]
interface ACSService
A service interface for ACS (Access Control Server) operations.
AppSignSignature [androidJvm]
data class AppSignSignature(val signature: String)
Represents the signature response from an APP_SIGN request.
AuthState [androidJvm]
enum AuthState : Enum<AuthState>
CentralManager [androidJvm]
class CentralManager(flowAppSDK: GASmartAccessReaderSDK, context: Context, callbacks: GASmartAccessReaderCallbacks)
DeviceRegistration [androidJvm]
data class DeviceRegistration(val badgeId: Int?, val publicKey: String?)
Represents the response from an API call for device registration.
ErrorKey [androidJvm]
enum ErrorKey : Enum<ErrorKey>
FrameKey [androidJvm]
enum FrameKey : Enum<FrameKey>
Enum class to identify BT communication context
FrameProcessor [androidJvm]
class FrameProcessor(flowAppSDK: GASmartAccessReaderSDK, sdkCallbacks: GASmartAccessReaderCallbacks)
The FrameProcessor class is responsible for processing communication frames related to the GASmartAccessReaderDemo SDK.
GASmartAccessReaderCallbacks [androidJvm]
interface GASmartAccessReaderCallbacks
Interface for providing callbacks from GASmartAccessReaderDemo SDK to the main application. It allows to know the BLE state, display log messages on the app, and know if the peripheral is currently advertising.
GASmartAccessReaderSDK [androidJvm]
class GASmartAccessReaderSDK(context: Context, callbacks: GASmartAccessReaderCallbacks, applicationId: String, iControlUrl: String, userId: String, logLevel: Logger.LogLevel = Logger.LogLevel.INFO)
HardwareState [androidJvm]
data class HardwareState(val isBluetoothEnabled: Boolean)
Represents the state of various hardware states in the application.
LockReconEvent [androidJvm]
open class LockReconEvent
This class defines a series of events related to lock reconnaissance. Each function in the class represents a different event that can be triggered during lock reconnaissance.
LockReconEventBus [androidJvm]
object LockReconEventBus
A singleton object LockReconEventBus that serves as a centralized event bus for the GASmartAccessReaderDemo SDK using the GreenRobot EventBus library. This object abstracts the EventBus methods to provide consistent event registration, unregistration, and posting.
LockReconUtils [androidJvm]
object LockReconUtils
Utility singleton for the GASmartAccessReaderSDK's lock mechanism. LockReconUtils handles:
Logger [androidJvm]
object Logger
Logger singleton to handle application logs. Log level can be set to control the logging detail.
MetaData [androidJvm]
data class MetaData(val deviceModel: String, val sdkVersion: String, val os: String, val osVersion: String)
Represents metadata about the device and SDK version for API calls.
PeripheralManager [androidJvm]
class PeripheralManager(flowAppSDK: GASmartAccessReaderSDK, context: Context, callbacks: GASmartAccessReaderCallbacks)
Manages BLE peripheral functionalities within the GASmartAccessReaderSDK.
SARChecker [androidJvm]
object SARChecker
SARDevice [androidJvm]
class SARDevice(device: BluetoothDevice)
SignatureRequest [androidJvm]
data class SignatureRequest(val base64: String)
Represents the payload for a request to get a signature based on a provided Base64 string.
UserIdRequest [androidJvm]
data class UserIdRequest(val userId: String, val metadata: MetaData)
Represents the payload for a request to register a user ID with its metadata.


Name Summary
KEYALIAS [androidJvm]
const val KEYALIAS: String