Integrating the SDK
Understanding how it works
Global introduction
This SDK has been created to help you interacting with GA SmartBuilding BLE Access Controllers. As a developer using this SDK, you will not have to handle any BLE interaction, but just call a few methods to give the SDK more context about your user, and a few listeners to handle some events.
Getting a badge number
Before being able to interact with controllers, you will need to register your user and device so they can receive a badge number that you will then be able to send to your backend to allow building managers to setup the user's access. Two flows are available:
- A self-serve flow with the user requesting its own badge
Your App->>+SDK: Initializes with Application ID
User->>+Your App: Signs in
Your App->>+SDK: Sets the User ID
Your App->>+SDK: Requests a badge number
SDK->>+Badge Server: Requests a badge number
Badge Server->>+SDK: Returns a badge number
SDK->>+Your App: Returns a badge number
Your App->>+Your Backend: Send the badge number
Your Backend->>+Your Backend: Associates the badge number to the user
- An invitation flow with the user getting its badge through an invitation
Your Backend->>+Badge Server: Requests a badge for a user
Badge Server->>+Your Backend: Returns a badge number and an invitation token
Your Backend->>+User: Sends the invitation token
User->>+Your App: Opens
Your App->>+SDK: Initializes with Application ID
User->>+Your App: Signs in
Your App->>+SDK: Sets the User ID
User->>+Your App: Fills the invitation token
Your App->>+SDK: Requests a badge number with invitation token
SDK->>+Badge Server: Requests a badge number with invitation token
Badge Server->>+SDK: Returns a badge number
SDK->>+Your App: Returns a badge number
Exchanging with a controller
Contrary to what you might expect, it's not the mobile device that will initiate the connection to the controller, but the controller that will initiate the connection to the mobile device. The controller and the mobile device will then exchange a few security credentials before getting the result of the authentication.
Controller->>+Mobile Device: Initiates the connection
Mobile Device->>+Controller: Returns credentials
Controller->>+Mobile Device: Returns the authentication state (success / failure)
Controller->>+Door: Opens or keeps closed
Strong authentication
Some controllers will be setup as sensitive and will request a confirmation from the user. While we strongly recommend using biometrics, it is up to the developer to choose what kind of authentication is best for its application. It could be biometrics, PIN code or user password.
Controller->>+Mobile Device: Initiates the connection
Mobile Device->>+Controller: Accepts the connection
Controller->>+Mobile Device: Requires a strong authentication
Mobile Device->>+User: Prompts an authentication (biometrics, PIN...)
Mobile Device->>+Controller: Returns the authentication state (success / failure)
- iOS: 13 / Android: 7
You will need the following informations provided by GA SmartBuilding:
- An Application ID
Getting started
Here is a quick start on how to install and setup the SDK in your app. You can also require access to test apps with the SDK already integrated.
Installing the SDK
- Import xcframework file on xCode to target's Framework, Libraries and Embedded Content as Embed and Sign
- Add
on yourinfo.plist
- Install Alamofire and PromiseKit on your iOS Project
- For React Native apps, you could have to add
on your Podfile - Add on Xcode, Signing and Capabilities of your target the background mode: "Act as a Bluetooth LE accessory"
- Copy the
file in a/app/libs
folder - Add the following inside
implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.aar"])
- Add the following permissions on your Manifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Initializing the SDK
First, you will need to initialize the SDK by providing your Application ID, User ID as well as a few options.
You just have to create an instance of GASmartAccessReaderSDK in a GASmartAccessReaderDemoDelegate class:
class YourClass: GASmartAccessReaderDemoDelegate {
public static var SDKInstance: GASmartAccessReaderSDK!
init() {
GASmartAccessReaderDemo.SDKInstance = GASmartAccessReaderSDK(delegate: GASmartAccessReaderDemoDelegate, logLevel: LogLevel?, userID: String, applicationId: String, iControlUrl: String)
Instanciate the SDK on your onCreate function
class YourClass {
lateinit var sdk: GASmartAccessReaderSDK
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
sdk = GASmartAccessReaderSDK(context: Context, callbacks: GASmartAccessReaderDemoCallbacks, applicationId: String, iControlUrl: String, userID: String)
Identifying a user
Once your SDK has been initialized, you will need to identify your user as soon as it is known. The badge generator does not need to know any personal information about your user. It will only require an ID that will allow your backend to reconciliate a badge number with a user.
Warning: You have to fetch the badge ID before using startBluetoothAdvertisingDemo
If you have already fetched it before, the badge will be send through onACSInitialized
Else, there's a Public
class with all the methods you need to use the SDK. You'll have to run Public.shared.fetchBadgeID
to fetch it from ACS.
Then, the delegate onBadgeIDUpdated(_ badgeID: String)
will return the badgeID.
If you have already fetched it before, the badge will be send through onACSInitialized
Else, you'll have to run sdk.getBadgeId()
to get it from ACS
Then, the listener onBadgeIDUpdated(badgeID: Int)
will return the badgeID.
Listening to events
When you initialize the SDK, you'll have to inherit your class with GASmartAccessReaderDemoDelegate. Once done, you just have to add all the listeners on your class as functions. Example:
class YourClass: GASmartAccessReaderDemoDelegate {
func onBadgeIDUpdated(_ id: String) {
// Do something with id
XCode will create all these functions for you (and cannot build if they're not present).
You need to create a GASmartAccessReaderDemoCallback object with all the listeners then pass it to the instanciation of the SDK Example:
class YourClass {
private var callbacks: GASmartAccessReaderDemoCallback = object : GASmartAccessReaderDemoCallback {
override fun onBadgeIDUpdated(badgeID: Int) {
// Do something with badgeID
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
sdk = GASmartAccessReaderSDK(context, callbacks, "appID", "userID")
When BLE state changed
This event is called as soon as BLE state changed on your device
- iOS:
onBLEStateChanged(state: CBManagerState)
- Android:
onBLEStateChanged(state: Int)
When the recon starts / stops
This event is called as soon the BLE is made available and open / unavailable or closed to connections.
onLockReconStateChanged(isStarted: Bool)
When there are scanned SARs nearby
When the BLE is open, the SDK is scanning nearby SARs. This event return them.
- iOS:
onScannedSARUpdate(device: CBPeripheral)
- Android:
onScannedSARUpdate(device: BluetoothDevice)
Then you can use connectToSAR
method to connect and unlock SAR
sdk.centralManager.connectToSAR(applicationContext, device)
When a controller requires a user authentication
This event is called when the controller requires the user to authenticate because it has strong security. While we strongly recommend using biometrics, it is up the the developer to choose what kind of authentication is best for its application. It could be biometrics, PIN code or user password.
onLockAuthenticationRequest(callback: (isSuccess: Bool))
You'll have to use the callback parameter method to inform the SDK that the auth request is success or failure.
When scan state is updated
onScanStateUpdate(isScanning: Bool)
When everything went right
This event is called when the exchange with the controller has been completed and that the badge has been authorized by the controller.
onLockAuthStateUpdated(isSuccess: AuthState)
AuthState = { locked, loading, unlocked, error }
When there was an error
This event is called when there was an error during the BLE exchanges between the controller and the mobile device.
onLockError(errorKey: ErrorKey)
It can send the following errors:
: When the API throw an errorAPPKEY_GENERATE_ERROR
: When the app keys generation failedBLE_ERROR
: When a BLE error occuredDATA_LEN_NOT_MATCHING
: When the data length of SAR request or response is not matching the documentationINVALID_B64
: When getting an invalid base 64 stringPROCESSOR_ERROR
: When getting a frame processor errorUNKNOWN_FRAME_KEY
: When getting an unknown frame keys during proccessing
When you need logs
An event is available to get SDK Logs: onLogUpdated(message: String)